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As anyone who has ever experienced hip pain can attest to, this type of discomfort can wreak havoc on your overall quality of life. Our hips are extremely important joints, but they are also a part of our body that we work the most.

As anyone who has ever experienced hip pain can attest to, this type of discomfort can wreak havoc on your overall quality of life. Our hips are extremely important joints, but they are also a part of our body that we work the most.

As anyone who has ever experienced hip pain can attest to, this type of discomfort can wreak havoc on your overall quality of life. Our hips are extremely important joints, but they are also a part of our body that we work the most. We need our hips to perform pretty much all daily tasks, from walking and sitting to running, playing sports, and so much more. When one or both of our hips begins to cause us pain or discomfort, our world may be turned upside down. Hip joints are extremely vulnerable to injury and damage, in large part due to the fact that they are the largest weight-bearing joints in the human body. In order to protect these important joints, we must strengthen the muscles around our hip joints to keep them strong and ready to support us.

The Key is to Strengthen

There are numerous different causes and issues that may lead to hip pain, including degenerative diseases, injuries from a car accident, or simple wear and tear. While surgery is oftentimes the recommended treatment, there are other ways to strengthen the hips and decrease pain and discomfort. Physical therapy, for one, has become a popular option for people of all different ages who suffer from hip issues. As mentioned above, it is absolutely critical to strengthen the muscles around the hip joints, as this puts less stress on the actual joint and offers support to the rest of the body. With the help of a physical therapist, someone dealing with acute or chronic hip pain may find relief in a matter of months.

It’s All About Flexibility

In addition to strengthening the hips and the muscles surrounding these joints, it is necessary to increase flexibility, as this will help reduce pain. When an individual loses flexibility, a substantial amount of stress can impact the hip joint, which in turn results in pain. People who are less flexible may notice that they have a more difficult time moving and that they experience pain even when performing the simplest of tasks.

Physical Therapy for the Hips

With all that in mind, let’s look at a few ways in which physical therapy may be able to help hip pain:

  • Hip stretches
  • Squats
  • Range of motion exercises
  • Trigger point therapy
  • Massage and manipulation
  • Guided exercise

These are just a few examples of exercises and treatment modalities a physical therapist may suggest. Keep in mind that every body is different, so your Grand Prairie physical therapist may have additional ideas or suggestions. For many, physical therapy is a way to delay – if not prevent – hip surgery. By seeking out the knowledge and assistance of a trained physical therapist, you may be able to put off hip replacement surgery and live a higher quality of life, starting today. To learn more about our physical therapy offerings for hip pain, please contact Classic Rehabilitation today or visit us at any of our 3 locations including Arlington, Grand Prairie and Bedford!