Arthritis and Fibromayalgia

Aquatics Therapy for
Arthritis and Fibromylgia

Living with chronic widespread pain, fatigue, memory problems and mood changes is something patients with fibromyalgia and arthritis deal with in their day to day lives. Characterized as a group of symptoms affecting numerous body parts and functions, fibromyalgia has no known cause but many symptoms. Aside from helping patients deal with their chronic disorder, we here at Classic Rehabilitation, Inc. believe that a patient who plays a proactive role in their self-management has a successful treatment outcome. Improving sleep by utilizing sleep hygiene and sleep quality techniques along with being physically active and reducing stress will help a patient’s overall mood and wellbeing. Moreover, relaxation is one of the most important aspects of controlling the pain associated with arthritis and fibromyalgia. To do so, engaging in aquatics therapy is a great way.

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Best treatment is
Aquatics therapy

Aquatics therapy allows for the warm water to provide sensory stimulation encouraging relaxation and stress relief. We combine warm water with a deep penetrating massage system to reduce pressure which causes stress and pain on a patient’s aching muscles and joints. When a patient walks on the underwater treadmill or exercises against the resistance jets, we can help manage the patient’s pain. As the patient stands chest deep in the water, their body becomes 80% weightless with only 20% bearing weight. During this time the weightlessness will significantly diminish the stress and pressure the patient experiences on their muscles and joints. There is a lot of scientific research that shows immobility does not improve a patient’s symptoms related to arthritis and fibromyalgia.

From our experience with our patients and knowledge of how to apply aquatics therapy, we have created a list of benefits for the patients suffering from arthritis and fibromyalgia:

  • Relaxation
  • Increased joint range of motion
  • Pain relief
  • Enhanced mobility
  • Improved flexibility
  • Improved strength
  • Relief from weight on the joints and bones
  • Decreased side effects of any medications and post-surgical procedures

Conveniently located

If you are a current patient or potential patient, then contact Classic Rehabilitation, Inc. today for your Aquatics Therapy for Fibromyalgia and Arthritis inquiries. We are conveniently located in Arlington, Bedford andGrand Prairie , providing our patients with full-service physical therapy with aquatics therapy and more.

Client Testimonials

Our team at Classic Rehabilitation, Inc. is dedicated to each of our patients.