Financial policies
The doctors and other healthcare providers of Classic Rehabilitation charge fees for the care provided to me.
I know that my health insurance company may not pay the full amount of the fees charged by Classic Rehabilitation. This means I may have to pay Classic Rehabilitation for the cost of care that is not paid by my health insurance company.
If I have not given Classic Rehabilitation the right health insurance information, then I may have to pay the fees for my care.
If I do not have health insurance, then I will have to pay the fees for my care.
If I have paid Classic Rehabilitation too much money for my care, then the dollar amount can be used to pay the balance of some other account that I have with Classic Rehabilitation.
Medicare will only pay for the care that is acceptable and needed under section 1862(a)(1) of the Medicare Law. The facts I have given to Classic Rehabilitation for payment under Titles XVIII and XIX of the Social Security Act are correct.
Classic Rehabilitation can bill my health and liability insurance companies for my care. Payments will be made to Classic Rehabilitation on my behalf.