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Arthritis is a common ailment that many older people are faced with. It’s safe to say that anyone who has ever experienced arthritis can attest to the discomfort and pain that is associated with it. For those suffering from arthritis, pain relief of any kind is welcomed.

Arthritis is a common ailment that many older people are faced with. It’s safe to say that anyone who has ever experienced arthritis can attest to the discomfort and pain that is associated with it. For those suffering from arthritis, pain relief of any kind is welcomed.

Arthritis is a common ailment that many older people are faced with. It’s safe to say that anyone who has ever experienced arthritis can attest to the discomfort and pain that is associated with it. For those suffering from arthritis, pain relief of any kind is welcomed. We’ve touched on the many wonderful benefits of aquatics therapy in past blog posts, but did you know that it is considered a miracle worker by many who are faced with arthritis? For those suffering from osteoarthritis – arthritis of the bone – aquatics therapy is a particularly awesome solution.

Not only will warm water therapy soothe the joints, providing a sense of relief right away, but it will help to exercise the joints in order to maintain flexibility. Recent studies have indicated that exercise – especially in water – can stop the progression of arthritis. For many, this seems to create a dilemma, as exercising and moving around a lot is the exact thing that inflames the joints. Enter, aquatics therapy. A pool of water provides an ideal environment for those suffering from arthritis in large part because its buoyancy counteracts gravity. Here at Classic Rehab, we believe in providing solutions for people suffering from a wide range of ailments, including arthritis. Our knowledgeable physical therapists and aquatics therapists will work with you one-on-one to come up with a treatment plan that will not only provide you with immediate relief, but help to improve your overall condition down the road.

Benefits of Aquatics Therapy

Those who are experiencing pain from arthritis are usually unable to perform many exercises on land, that is without experiencing a great deal of pain. This is why aquatics therapy is such a great option. In a gravity-reduced environment like water, gentle movements and exercises can work to improve strength, flexibility, and range of motion. Aquatics therapy aims to teach patients how to move in new ways in order to basically retrain the musculoskeletal system in order to combat the effects of arthritis. Arthritis can affect many different parts of the body, including the knees, hands, feet, ankles, and spine. The warm water associated with aquatics therapy can help stretch and loosen these body parts as well as flex joints in a manner that otherwise wouldn’t be possible.

Water Exercises for Arthritis

As mentioned above, aquatics therapy provides people suffering from arthritis with the chance to perform certain exercises that will help reduce pain and improve their overall condition. Most of the exercises are too painful to be done on land, which is why the gentle resistance of water is so effective. Some of the most common exercises performed in pool therapy include the following:

  • Stretching – This is one of the first things you will do in an aquatics therapy class, and one of the most important. Stretching the hamstrings and lower back as well as the upper back and neck per instructions from your aquatics therapist is a great place to start and will get you on the right track.
  • Strengthening – Some classes use barbells for this exercise in order to work against water resistance.
  • Water aerobics – This may include water walking, cross country skiing movements, or slow jogging in a shallow pool.

To learn more about how aquatics therapy may help those suffering from arthritic pain, contact Classic Rehab today.